A good day's run

Summer 2022
John Andrews
Fri 28 Jul 2017 21:28
An excellent 24 hours. We have completed 149 miles - all in the right direction. The wind has been behind us and we have goose-winged all the way.
The sun has been shining and we have been visited by a whale. A minke whale this time, which surfaced three or four times just at the back of the boat before going on its way. Apparently they are quite curious animals and often follow boats. Later we saw the plumes of at least one other whale slightly further away. We were commenting earlier in the day on the lack of bird life and the absence of dolphins and sea life in general so it was especially good to see that there is life in the deep.
We are making the most of the wind while it holds as lighter winds are forecast in couple of days time which will be unavoidable.