Goodbye to Bermuda

Summer 2022
John Andrews
Thu 8 Jun 2017 23:36
We set off from Bermuda this morning at 9.00, bound for Flores, in the Azores. Tessa de Roo arrived late last night to join us on the trip. Yesterday was particularly windy, and the dinghy journey ashore was really rather perilous, involving a complete soaking. We were worried about actually getting Tessa on board safely, in the dark, but the wind abated a bit as night fell and Tessa arrived in good order. Customs in Bermuda is very efficient and we made the exit formalities in quick time, allowing us to make an early start. The tall ships that had taken refuge in St Georges harbour were also making their exit, bound for Boston, so for the first few hours of our journey we were treated to the sight of square riggers in full sail at very close quarters. Breathtaking. We are making our way North East towards 38 degrees North with a light, following wind. There we plan to turn due East to the Azores, hopefully avoiding both no wind at all and the worst of the depressions that are forecast to track North East over the next week.