Quack Quack

36:49.1N 53:46.7W Day 9
We were well and truly dropped into the windless hole yesterday. The wind
gilled around in a roughly North Easterly direction at about force 3, dropping
to force 2 – absolutely hopeless. The engine went on at midday and stayed on
until 6.00 in the evening. Azure seas again with associated activities; it could
be worse. The consequence is however, that we have executed a very serpentine
course in an effort to make the most of what wind there is. Our 24 hour passage
over the ground has only been 90 miles, and we are well south of our intended
track. Overnight, however, the wind has picked up as predicted. We spent half
the night on Port tack and are now close hauled on Starboard tack with the wind
slowly clocking round to the South at a respectable force 5, bringing us back
towards our track. In addition, we are surfing down some quite respectable waves
due to a 4m swell. We are no longer alone in our little world. We have seen three large
ships over the last 24 hours, and there is another yacht about 3 miles downwind
of us, apparently going in the same direction. The strangest things happen at sea. A mallard floated past us this
morning, bobbing along in the Atlantic swell. It was completely unmoved by our
passing, and we think it must have been a plastic decoy mallard – maybe it’s
floated down the St Lawrence Seaway and is condemned to circle the Atlantic for
ever and ever! |