Sunshine and whales

Summer 2022
John Andrews
Mon 29 Jun 2015 16:01
58:42N 51:19W
The cunning plan is working well. We left Black Tickle two days ago and
after a few hours motoring, the south wind came in as predicted and we have had
two days of brilliant sunshine and following winds. We have been cracking along
with the cruising chute up all through the daylight hours. We were accompanied
yesterday by a large pod of long finned pilot whales, who followed in our wake
for almost an hour.
We have now fallen into the predicted hole, and have been motoring for 12
hours, but we are detecting a rise in the wind strength, so may be sailing again
before long.
Today is John’s birthday, so we have popped a bottle of bubbly to celebrate
in the usual way.
Possible arrival Arsuk tomorrow, Tuesday
afternoon. |