Andrea goes snorkelling

Saxon Blue's Blog
Harvey Jones and Andrea Stokes
Sun 9 Jan 2011 03:15
As we had Saxon Blue to ourselves today, we didn't have to get up early and do jobs with Kali. We took the opportunity for a lazy start and had breakfast onboard. Andrea even made some delicious banana smoothies. After breakfast, we went off to explore the town as I hadn't been outside the harbour area, having been so hard at work since we arrived.
Andrea led me over to the other marina complex which is very close to ours when you walk but you have to go into the lagoon and around to get there by boat. There are loads of smart shops there and Andrea had been in most of them yesterday to find her new dress. It's much shallower than our marina so there are no super-yachts, just loads of catamarans and fast motorboats. I think the cruise liners must deposit people there as well as there are plenty of places to purchase expensive jewellery and I can't see that being supported by the odd catamaran-chartering family.
After looking around, we chose a large French restaurant for lunch and spent the next hour or so just people-watching and eating. We're still talking through our options for where to go next and how to explore the Caribbean so there's always plenty for us to talk about. I think the deciding factor may be where we are permitted to leave Saxon Blue by the insurance company. We're hoping not to move her too far away from the Caribbean so we'll see what they say about making her hurricane-proof.
After lunch, we did some successful shopping. We got a couple of lightweight shirts for Andrea and some thin shorts for me. All our existing wardrobes are far too heavy so we need to get some new togs more suitable to sun and warm air. From there, we walked back to Saxon Blue and then got ready to go straight out for a swim. The guys on the huge catamaran opposite us gave us some fresh coconut that they'd picked from a tree on a nearby beach so we decided to head around there in the tender. We took all our snorkelling stuff and headed out. The trip across the bay was wet so that cooled us down and we anchored just off the beach.
Andrea swam ashore and I took her snorkel along just in case she wanted to have a go. After a couple of times putting her head under and breathing while stood up, she just started swimming around watching the silver fish around us. I thought it would take her ages to get her confidence but she got used to it straight away so that was fantastic. By this time, the sun was getting low and the wind was picking up. It was almost chilly. We swam back to the tender, clambered onboard and shot back around to Saxon Blue to get a shower and wash the salt off.
After a suitable rest, we walked back over to the other marina again and had our dinner in a lovely Thai restaurant which we'd seen earlier. It made a change to have an asian meal out and the quality was excellent. We're back onboard now, enjoying the cooler night air and hoping that the yachts around us don't make too much noise tonight. Altogether, it's been a great day and I'm starting to get used to the Caribbean vibe. It's also great to have this strange little bit of France to explore.
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