Milford Haven

Saxon Blue's Blog
Harvey Jones and Andrea Stokes
Tue 4 May 2010 21:21
We are anchored up in a beautiful bay inside Milford Haven in the very west of Wales. We heard that there are no planes flying from Ireland again so decided to drop Cind at a rail station in Wales rather than an airport in Ireland with no planes. We had a great first proper trip although the overnight passage was difficult with doing 3 hours on, 3 hours off watches. We're going to experiment with 4 hour watches tomorrow night. We did 266 miles from Portland to here without stopping which is by far our longest trip. The wind in the Bristol Channel was right on the nose so we spent most of the time motoring into it with the main out to stop the rolling. Funny how you get used to the motion in the end and forget about the noise of the engine. It ends up seeming quite normal to be tossed around all the time. That doesn't stop it being lovely now that we are anchored in the shelter of some cliffs and the boat feels as solid as land.
Can't believe how few ships we saw once we rounded Lands End. It's as if we're in the remote North already. I'm going to drop Cind at Milford Haven in the tender first thing tomorrow and then we're off up the Irish Sea towards Scotland. I think the wind will be on the nose again but we're actually heading North now so that's OK.
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