Final day in Annapolis

Saxon Blue's Blog
Harvey Jones and Andrea Stokes
Wed 8 Dec 2010 01:05
Tuesday night

We've been making the final preparations to leave Annapolis and carry on with our voyage - about time, too. The USA has been much more interesting and a bigger part of our trip than we imagined but we're ready for a change now. We're particularly ready for some warm weather as it's been below freezing here all day with a bitterly cold breeze blowing.

Kali has been doing the last of the shopping for stores so we're ready to take on a full ocean passage. Bill found our stash of tea bags and burst out laughing - he thinks we're like comedy English people. Bill and I spent several hours fitting the tiny light to the top of the mast to illuminate our Windex. This will make it easier to sail at night. When we start our passage South, we'll be sailing more at night than in the daylight so it's going to be important. Although it's a tiny light, you still have to run a cable the height of the mast and wire it into the spaghetti that's there already. Like anything on the boat, it takes ages.

Luckily for me, Bill went to the top of the mast. I was cold on the deck so he must have been frozen dangling up there. The Turkey Buzzards seemed to be taking an interest, too. They don't often get meals come up to them. I've just been to pick up some spare engine oil and pay some bills online so we won't be arrested for doing a runner.

Some hours later: we've just got back from having our dinner in the Boatyard Grill, our favourite restaurant in Annapolis. Andrea spent the afternoon in the town shopping and drinking Latte so she's had a lovely time. Bill took the tender around to town earlier to get some pictures taken so he arrived back onboard Saxon Blue chilled and we decided to just take a taxi to and from the restaurant. While having our dinner, we discussed how important tea-breaks are to English people and I think Bill is coming around to the idea. We're back onboard now and having some mint tea to help us relax ready for tomorrow. We're finally going to depart from Annapolis and head South, even if only for 50 miles or so but still, it's in the right direction.


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