Anchored in St Martin

Saxon Blue's Blog
Harvey Jones and Andrea Stokes
Tue 4 Jan 2011 07:48
We made it!
We're anchored in Anse Marcel. It's really warm and I can hear the Cicadas on the shore nearby. There are some other yachts anchored near us in a very rolly bay and we're getting hit by 25 knot gusts but we'll be OK for the rest of the night and then go into the harbour and clear in when it's light and we've had some breakfast.
It was a bit tense getting sorted out - it's always difficult in the dark. The bay seems much smaller than it looks on the chart and I ended up giving up on that and just using the forward-looking sonar and the Mark I eyeball to pick a good spot. Then the anchor dragged the first time we set it. Hey, ho. All OK now and I'm going back to bed for a couple of hours.
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