Arrived in Oban

Saxon Blue's Blog
Harvey Jones and Andrea Stokes
Fri 7 May 2010 21:46
Well, here we are in Oban less than a week after setting off.
We left Jura this morning after a massive cooked breakfast including Black Pudding, my favourite! The trip along the coast of Jura and then Scarba and the Garvellachs was fantastic. I love this area and I've kayaked around most of it with Jamie in the past. It was great pointing out to Andrea all the places where I've had previous adventures.
For some reason, all Richard's partners were in Oban so we waved at Luke (his business partner) on the way up the Sound of Kerrera. Luke then joined us for dinner in the Oban marina on Kerrera. Richard's other partner (well, wife in fact) then joined us for after-dinner drinks with her friend Tash and they all left for Tiree tomorrow taking Kali with them. It was all a bit of a whirlwind and the evening passed super-quick. Now it's just Andrea and I. We can spend a quiet weekend on the boat with Andrea sorting out her computer and video camera. I can just do boat stuff and go for a walk. Then we've got a couple of days when Kali gets back on monday to do more boat stuff before heading out for a week or so exploring the Western Isles.
It's very strange arriving here so quickly after setting off. We come up here nearly every year but it seems a long way off. Here we are having sailed up. I'm looking out at the lights of Oban (it's only just got dark at 10:30pm) which are special to me over so many years. It always reminds me of my Grandad George, too, as he loved to come here and watch the fishermen when he came away on coach tours with my Nan. So far, this trip feels like joining the dots rather than exploring new places but that's a comforting beginning.
I always thought it would be great to get to Oban in a week and we've done it. No disasters or even any incidents really. We've learned a huge amount about being on the boat and just living this new life.
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