The elephant is starting to give in :-) 17:01.000N 58:36.55W

Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Thu 18 Mar 2010 22:08
Almost forget.
In amongst keeping ourselves in one peice, we're in a race and it is apparent there is the same group of boats including ourselves, silently and without full control, jostling for a place.. I say out of control because, on more than one occassion we have lost ground or in other cases gained ground with no greater or lesser effort on our part.. We have committed ourslelves 100% to keeping this boat moving and i have no doubt the others have too. Oh of course there are the occassions where we stopped to play with the dolpins or swim with the whales ,or catch fish or perhaps have a champagne evening, or even have a mid atlantic rendevous with our friend Pete of Nyamezela. Considering we have been at sea for (and this is a point of interest, I have absolutley no idea) but know it is nearing 80 days, our down time from rowing, other than forced stops because of foul weather, has been relatively little, if any.. We have remained focused and equally as important disciplined to keep rowing.. The result at the end of the day is not as important as getting there safely and in good health.
This is a huge mountain to climb and the summit is stilll out of sight.
We continue to battle on.. only today we welcomed the arrival and long overdue SE winds that were forecast.These have been with us through the day, 
One day at a time.
At 22:05 tonight the winds turned slightly more to the East, meaning that overnight we should be flying..hope to see some good numbers in the morning if our luck holds out. The following three days if similar should see us pretty close to our destination. Our families fly out in the morning and will be sitting in the warm sun waiting for us. Tuesday should see us on land....wish us luck.