Re: stuffed again...

Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Sun 14 Feb 2010 19:08
Yesterday we made good our destination as far south as the weather was allowing. Things were all going fine until about 2200 when all of a sudden southerly winds started to pick up therebye making headway impossible . For the entire night we rowed just to maintain ground. In actual fact we had to concede a couple of 10ths of a mile,, we were beaten into submission,,. A little breakfast, assessed the situation and we both got back on the oars and made good a couple knots.. The dilemma then comes when one of us stops to rest up, whilst one continues to row, only to find the seas and winds then proceed to claim back those precious few miles just gained.
We deployed the achor and drift almost as far back as we started.. Then to top  it all we get a message saying other crews are going past us and if we can do 50 miles a day we will prevent anyone overtaking... We love to recieve Info and news, and do consider it our daily injection of elixiar.... but some news  as you can imagine just knocks us down..
We are literally held in the grips of a weather system and powerfless .. Meanwhile, we will keep safe, spirits high and soldier on however possible...  no one told us it would be this much fun!!!!