Another day at the office 'No Fear', another day at sea,, oh
yes, clicking down those miles one by one and getting excited about finishing..
Although gotta say, there is still a long way to go and alot of rowing to
be done so sorry to say, but I have to keep those thoughts of joy
under control until the moment happens, This is my way of preserving any
sanity i may have left.., Seems like the simple things in life, like
walking will have to be re learnt, as will eating normally rather than out of a
food bag with the same plastic spoon that has lasted me almost the entire
journey, Thats done it, i'll probably lose it over board now,
We are both now very focused and determined to push hard now
for every mile.
To all the Ash Cubs of Bookham, surrey, Hello all the way
from the far side of the Atlantic Ocean, We are many thousands of miles away
from you, our homes and our family,, We have been surrounded by miles upon
miles of open water for some 60 odd days and each day we have rowed our boat
for pretty much 24 hours each day.. This needs alot of discipline and
determination. It means sacrificing some comforts, like a full night sleep.
The good bit are, we have got to see many sea creatures including, whales and
dolphins, even a shark which was bit scary, I have swam
with the dolphins and whales but they were a little shy. With
hind sight perhpas i should not have got in the water with the two baby
whales, it was only after that i thought mummy or daddy whale may
feel threatened and possibly come to there side or feel
threatened. Of a night time a whale exhaled nearby
and i new it was a whale because of the very strong fishy smell from its
stomach,, not pleasant, but still this is there world and it is nice they come
and say hello..
We are within 500 miles of our destination now, and looking
forward to walking on steady ground and eating whole some fresh food.
I suspect it may take us a while to reaclimatise to life
back on land meanwhile, we will continue to do our best
right the end of this epic journey.