Just another scorcher 17:33.005N 42:52.650W

Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Thu 18 Feb 2010 21:16
The 10-15 knot winds from the ENE didn't really materialise
today...what a shocker you all say ;-) So we sat on the oars and hauled the boat
though the water with very little help from mother nature. We're now starting to
pull together steady scores and these will start to rise over the next few
weeks. They do say thay the final third of the race flies by quicker (well
Cath, you said that I believe) as the boats get lighter (food eaten) and the
crews push for the line.
Most of the focus is now on the rowing and things that at home
would be considered a luxury are essentials here...having an afternoon snooze,
scoffing chocolate are all part of the routine for this pair of performance
athletes (OK, exaggerated here a little). We've little time for fishing and
talking to Kevin the seabird...but we do have the occasional new visitor...I've
got some video footage of an ominous black shape that we saw from the back of
the boat...it will be analysed further when I get home, but looked pretty mean
to me :-)
We're told that we've got reasonable weather for the next
10ish days, which will allow us to push on to the final third of the race...but
not counting any chickens yet.
Physically we are both well, but my beer belly is
nearly gone, and for those at Bupa, they realise the effort it took to get
that...the number of fried breakfasts I had to eat from the Canteen...all part
of the training!
The sun has gone down.....