Fug fug fug fug 18:33.555N 38:15.914W
Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Wed 10 Feb 2010 18:45
It's official..the weather has just completely stopped and
we're getting very litle help from mother nature on our journey. Time to get on
the oars and grind out the miles I'm afraid...under a scorching sun..it's not
that easy.
We went through the 1350 miles to go mark, which not
significant in itself represents another 50 mile block behind us. In fact I've
invented a new unit of measurement..its call the TRU...a Transatlantic Rowing
Unit = 50nm..and in my mind I've got 27 TRUs to get home to wife and kids.
It's definitely one way of not going mad out here under
the sun.
Looking back on the Guardian article that concerned
the 'midlife crisis' that I was going through (a funny article, that
hopefully can still be found on guardian.com)..at this moment in time, perhaps
it was some sort of lapse of judgement that finds me sitting here. I know the
fug will move on and we will get moving and the race will end
eventually. Difficult week, this one.