Hope? 17:05.000N 55:38.000W

Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Sun 14 Mar 2010 23:25
Sun rose this morning..
Another day on the oars is nearly over, and as each rowing  shift and day goes by we have to be a little more inventive with seat arrangements to make sitting on the rowing position bearable,, The accumalitve pressures sore is constantly pushing us to find new ways to provide comfort,, beleive it or not, I have almost gone full circle and now the minimum cushioning appears to be working, I have cut up a micro pore towel and form layers to act as the cushion, Still PAIN is temporary, so someone keeps telling me.
Weight wise, I think i have lost some weight but feel in pretty good shape apart from a niggly back muscle strain, which is constantly being challenged by the persistent and irritatating south winds which have been blowing almost constantly during the last few days. The wind stirs up the seas and these relatively small waves knock the boat side ways and some times hit the boat with quite shocking speed and force,, So far I have been knocked off the rowing seat ony twice, which is pretty good, The other effect of the side swipe waves is you have to brace yourself really quickly and in doing so all your muscles contract primarily too minimise the bottom cheeks from almost seperating i two,,. great fun!
Longing to reach shore and gorge on fresh fruit,,,,,,, yum yum,
Cant wait to get back in the saddle and take on those surrey hills again,
Thanks to Jackie for looking after boys today while Clair rode 100k bike ride,, hope they were good as always!!!
So, who had breakfast in bed this morning? hopefully all Mothers are nodding at this point..Happy Mothers Day to you out there with little ones.
These such significant days don't make much difference to the row slaves of No Fear....same rowing until your fingers and bums are numb...actually numb would be good :-)
The shores of Antigua are tantalisingly close and getting closer...in around 30 seconds we are going to pass the 350 to Antigua point and are aiming to chip away the remaining 50 in the next two days at the very latest, to get us into the two hundreds. We have a new focus, in a few days time our families start to decamp to Antigua to await our arrival...and we must be there...so that we have an arrival to remember (plus a cold beer waiting). This must now drive us forward despite the lack of Easterly wind of any sort...we'll row through gravel to make it there :-)