On the move

Row Across The Pond
Richard Hoyland and Steve Coe
Mon 15 Feb 2010 18:47
Great to be on the move the move again and also great to be back in front of the keyboard. You may have notice my distinct lack of blogging over the last few days...I guess the business of rowing took over....we were having to hault the boat through the water without much help from mother nature and it takes it toll on you..leaving little time for luxuries such as the blog (apols for considering this as frivilous).
Talking about the weather, a big thanks for Marian,for a adaption of an Irish prayer, which is particularly relevant in our current circumstances

That's going on the boat....any bit of luck we can summon from whatever locations is more than welcome. Although, might change it because we are rowing...if the wind is on our back it's against us and we're going backward ;-)
The seas have grown and the wind is giving us a nudge across and we're back on a reasonable course...fingers crossed that this can hold out for a few days. This lifts my spirits enormously and gives some hope that Antingua is getting closer....it was starting to become a doubt.
Hold on a second, during the latest spell of calm winds, there were a few gems that shone out...we saw another whale rise to the surface twice and then disapparer close to the boat, we swam with the dorado, stripey fish and tuna that surround the boat..and on one memorable night I rowed in the heat of the night while an atlantic rainstorm cooled me down as I pulled hard on the oars, the sunsets were spectacular the sky gleaming incredible colours that I have never seen nature produce...so in the darkest moments, occasionally if you don't keep looking around you can miss the best bits ;-)
The smallest of things can be an issue when tired, Today, the jet boil slipped from my hand with the result of the auto igniter breaking, Once again we lucklily had a spare, BUT in this instance we had already broken our spare.. Luckily, we were boy scouts,, and we bought a handfull of lighters,,, and as a real back up we a have a flint strike stick.. hey real survival stuff... The down side to breaking things is it reminds you that it is not just a case of popping to the shops to buy new,, I hope we have no more breakages as they are not good for moral and make us realise just how vulnerable we are to potential difficult times.
Talking about difficult times , A brief note on out medical conditions and the and drugs we've used thus far:
Note there will be a theme to much of this,,
Sudocrem,  Bum Richard ,,
Metanium, Bum Steve
'Anne U sole'  for those sensitive bits ..Steve and possibly now looking like richard too.
E45 Water scald steve Ibuprofen Gel back ache, steve
Ibuprofen 600mg back ache Steve
Ibuprofen Head ache and back ache Rich
Paracetamol  Back ache steve
Rene  Indigestion Richard
dyhralite  rehydate steve from vomming chicken dinner
Plasters Richard
Limpiador de manos higienizante   you know the stuff... Alcohol Gel...  both
Sun Cream
Lip balm
thanks to that were ok....  so far..