Land ho!

Miss Molly 4
Bob & Peggy Wilkerson/Geoff & Merel Pettifer
Sun 27 Mar 2011 08:09
149:45.79 E
Forecasts can be very wrong. Where was that promised wind? Well, not here! Since the wind left us yesterday afternoon we have not seen anything back. The good news is that the seas are very calm out here, just a bit swelly. The other good news is that it got sunnier and sunnier as we got further North and we have actually had a sunny afternoon with first just bare feet, then t-shirts and even shorts! Balmy! What a difference with only 3 days ago when we were so cold and could not possibly put any more clothes on to stay warm. Either we have acclimatized really quickly or the small increase in temperature has made all the difference. After all, it's only 18 degrees C, not 28!
We can just see a vague outline of Victoria on the horizon. By the time we would really be able to see land it will be dark, so may be just a glow in the distance, just like last night when we passed Flinders Island. We must have been pushing some currents as we will be out for another night. Arriving in the middle of the night at Eden is not very appealing so we will keep heading towards Jervis Bay. We are still enjoying the albatrosses soaring and tipping their wings just over the water. They are so gracious.
Cheers from your crew,
Geoff & Merel