The perfect sail, short but sweet

Miss Molly 4
Bob & Peggy Wilkerson/Geoff & Merel Pettifer
Sat 26 Mar 2011 06:21
148:45.75 E
What a difference with the previous days! The sun was out as we got up - a lot earlier than the day before. We picked up anchor and we could see the bottom while doing so. We left at the same time as some fishermen who were singing out of tune as they left Morey's Bay on Schouten Island. Once we were clear of the rocks we had a wonderful sail. It was blowing a gentle 20 kts from the SW and the barometer had shot up to 1022 millibar (it was only 995 two days ago). Speeding along, averaging 9 knots. The dolphins seemed to have been waiting around the corner for this as they came from everywhere to join us and ride the bow wave. There were at least 40 of them! They lured the albatrosses with them and these soared around us - so majestic! The wildlife stayed with us for at least half an hour and we took photo's and video's off the bow. Had to get back to the cockpit before they left us as it got a bit chilly up forward!
Unfortunately good things never last and our favourable winds died down during the afternoon. On came the engine and here we are - motoring over a flat sea with a faint hint of a Northeasterly. We have just passed the most Northeastern tip of the Tasmanian mainland and will sail (or motor, more likely) past the Tasmanian islands during the evening and night. At least we are not having 30 knots on the nose!
Cheers from
Geoff & Merel