A sunny day at sea

Miss Molly 4
Bob & Peggy Wilkerson/Geoff & Merel Pettifer
Mon 20 Oct 2008 10:05
The fishing line was out today, but did we get a bite? Nope. No fresh fish, so for lunch we fished in the freezer instead.
It is incredible how there were such strong winds last month and now it seems like this part of the ocean has almost run out of wind. So we are still motoring. We do have 2/3rds of the way behind us but progress is a lot slower than it would have been under sail with a decent wind behind us. To make matters worse we are now also pushing current!
To look on the bright side: the weather is sunny now, with mostly clear skies. Apart from the clouds that seem to cover up that Southern Cross at night. Or has the Southern Cross gone South?
Cheers from Geoff & Merel