In Nuku'alofa

Miss Molly 4
Bob & Peggy Wilkerson/Geoff & Merel Pettifer
Wed 20 May 2009 08:31
175:09.86 W

Today was a race against the dark. We had to keep the speed up to get us
through the reef and into the anchorage before dark; the wind alone could
not have done it. Luckily we have 210 horses hiding in the engine room which
could help us with that extra push.

Nice to smell and see land again! With not a minute to spare we dropped the
anchor at 17:55. Only 8 other boats in the anchorage, so plenty of space. It
is very calm and protected, mild temperature and grub will be served as soon
as we've downed those first beers.

Tomorrow we'll clear in into Tonga after first hosing off Miss Molly.
She feels like one big block of salt and needs to sparkle again, she deserves it big time. We should not have
bothered stocking up with sea salt, we can scrape it off the deck and every
other surface. She has done a brilliant job, considering all the bad weather and conditions that
has been thrown at her on this passage. She never faltered and got us there
safely and timely. Well done, Molly girl!

Time to get back to the beers so cheers!

Geoff & Merel