Father's Day at sea

Miss Molly 4
Bob & Peggy Wilkerson/Geoff & Merel Pettifer
Sat 19 Jun 2010 23:51
160:17.73 E
Here we are again (where else would we be)!
It was a good thing that we did not know it was going to be another day of
motoring, but that's what it turned out to be. The whole day we spent
waiting for the wind that did not come.
However: the mail did arrive - an unexpected delivery out here in the middle
of nowhere. Geoff got a Father's Day card and for the first time in years
Geoff & James spent that day together and at sea. No getting away from it
for James! Other visitors were a couple of boobies, but apart from that
there is nothing to report.
The whole day it was kind of overcast and it was not until after midnight,
after going through a frontal line, that we found our desired wind. So
finally - the engine is off and the sails are flying, but can't say Molly is
flying. We are sailing quite conservative as the forecast is for the wind to
get stronger from now on and it's still night time. We have even experienced
a few drops of rain. Other than that, the sky is as black as the ace of spades, no stars, no moon.
Only 430 Nm to go to the waypoint at the entrance of the reef. Then a
further 200 Nm to Mackay and then still a daysail up to Airlie Beach so we
are not quite there yet, even when we get "there" at the waypoint.
Cheers from your crew,
Geoff, Merel & James