42:34.417N 22:17.5660W

SV Eleonora
Michael A. Andronov
Fri 6 Jul 2018 08:43
UTC &  Local time -- 0745
Since  the begining of trip from Antigua --  we made 3036.2 nm...
Computer is trying to cheer me up, saying that it is only 835.6 nm to go to Falmouth...   And we are nearly on strait line to it, for now... And though I know it is not absolutely true -- we are still far away,  there is still quite a distance to make, and the line,  starting further from destination, say Panama,  would be even more straight on computer screen -- but nice to hear anyway, as the coffee is brewing...
Despite a promise that there would be no winds for sailing on Friday,  there is still some winds,  about 8-9 knots as I'm typing...  Near no swell... and we are sailing... Not  the greatest speed... but the boat is  doing her best to maintain about ~5.5 knots...  If our weather  man made a small mistake  in forecast -- I would not blame him,  and  would rather be thankful...
The night has been  quite. With a beautiful sky... With a lot of things to think about...  I've been awake and taking care about the light sails adjustments,  enjoying the peaceful progress,  the  Moon path...  At about 4 o'clock, the captain stepped out and said that I'm keeping him awake.. and forced me to go to sleep...  on a promise he would take care about the speed adjustment(s)...  But I have a strong suspision he  went to sleep shortly after me, if not before... ;-)
The morning is in a greyish colours...  The sky is covered completely,  and  all around on horizon -- lower cumulus clouds,  whose dark grey or blue grey colour does not promise anything nice...  But I think it is normal here... and I hope that the Sun would take care about all that shortly... And if that what keep the wind still be there -- so be it!
It is strange how the human brain -- let say, my brain, for instance -- is working.  I read multible times in the books -- from different yachtmen and yachtwomen, 
 ' -- What would you do first on arrival to France ( or Britain... ) ? 
 -- Long, hot shower! ....
' .  
 I've also heard a lot from the people on Antigua -- how wonderful the showers are in the marinas on the Sourth shore of UK....  Never paid attention to that, and never fully understood the statement, as being in Tropics...
NOW I DO!!!  Nice, long, warm/hot shower ... or even better, bathtub... WHAT CAN BE BETTER ?  I tell you what can be better -- NICE LONG WARM SHOWER ( or bathtub) AND A  LONG MASSAGE!  How I was living without that on the islands???  Swimming, and taking showers on the boat?!  Did I do that, really ?!  ( I'm looking on my jeans,  warm socks,   jamper ... )  Remove all that and take the shower with the cold water ?!  You should be kidding me... In Fallmount, on arrival  -- I would have a long warm/hot shower... Even, if I had to come to the marina for it...
Coffee -- yes, a cup of hot coffee -- just in time!   (
' -- Com'on Michael,  it should not be so bad!  Should be something good in that weather,  It is still warm here...
  -- Well, you are right.  Number one -- you are not missing the cold beer anymore... The stock is nearly ended, but I do not care...  You should not cool the red wine...  keep it below water line in the boat... and it wil be fine...
   -- Com'on Michael... less sarcasm,  be positive...
   -- Sure...  the fridges switched into air-cooled mode... Who needs water cooled when the air is cold enough...
   -- Michael...
Yes, it should be something good in that weather... ( I just need some time to adjust and to find it... ) But one thing for sure --- it looks more real, more to what we get accustomed, living outside of the tropic belt...  No, it is not going to be garanteed  blue sky,  ~15 kts NE/SE wind,  small rain here and there, day after day... But it is a beuty of travelling and sailing... You never know what is aroud the 'corner', and some times you are really pleased to recognise some forgotten things...
A new day ahead. Let us cherish it!  It is going to be good! And it depends on me... The reality is --  I'm solo sailing, and who else would take care about it ?!
Having coffee,
Talk later,