Back to Work!

If Knot Y Knot
Patricia Day
Thu 26 Feb 2009 01:26

Monday, 23 February 2009


Last few days of preparations.

I changed the coolant in the engine and took out the impeller as otherwise it might split being left bent in one position for months, but it turned out to be split anyway.

I took off the solar panel and the sprayhood cover which I can now  modify and repair.

It is ridiculously hot and now I have no shade.

I started to repair the sprayhood.  I have sewn vinyl trim round four small openings where the solar panel fittings go through.  That took hours.  I am now sewing with a thin, sharp needle and a pair of blunt nose pliers to pull it through and that seems the most effective method.

Life got more interesting when they launched Elio’s boat.  His keel is 2.5 metres and he only had 2” of water under it, but it was floating.

After taking off my backstays they did the same to the next boat they hauled, it does seem easier.  However, Crapun was a forestay removal and so they had to get that back on.  With manpower they could not make it fit and so they brought the huge fork lift and attached a halyard to that and winched the mast forward.  Elio took it all calmly, but then he can speak their language.  They were the professionals and he did mention that a new mast would cost US$15,000.  They want to loosen his shrouds, but Elio is not allowing that until they produce the gauge to re-tension them, which they assure him they have, but have not yet produced.  They left it until tomorrow and he stayed in the slip overnight.  They took the travel lift to another boat and I expect they will move Crapun onto the dock to get him out of the way.  It has to be high tide for Crapun to have the depth to float. 

I took my pilot books and charts of Europe to the room with the big table and Elio chose what he wanted. 

Elio has heard that things have changed and insurance is required in European marinas, that is how it was when I was there.


Tuesday 24

I spent 8 hours hand sewing modifications to the sprayhood, in preparation for the modifications I have not yet made to the frame.  Let’s just hope I have cut the holes and sewn the zips in the right places. 


Wednesday 25

Last minute preparations for leaving the boat.  I had done all I can by mid morning and went to give Elio a hand.

He is excited because he is back on the water and doing the complete opposite of me.  I am putting sails and ropes away and he is putting them back out.

We went to Club Nautico in the afternoon, more goodbyes and still nothing from the agent, the papers are still with customs. 

I shall just go and hope everything is ok.


Thursday 26

This morning I am taking a taxi to the airport for a flight to Bogota today and on to Toronto and Heathrow tomorrow.

Back to work until the end of June.  I am cold here at night, how will I survive in England!

Hasta July.