Sail Pass, Manado – 19th August
a night in Wori Bay, we left the anchorage at around 11am to potter
around in the bay fishing before joining the procession of yachts from the fleet
for the Sail
Pass. There were issues with the generator
meaning Jeremy had to spend some time in the engine room. There were a group of pilot whales a
couple of hundred metres from Astra so Charlie, Oli and Liam jumped in to swim
to them. Just as the boys got
within eyesight of the whales, they dove down and swam away.
20 plus yachts assembled in two lines and motored to the Manado bay where we waited
in the pouring rain for the large military ships to pass us by. A very large aircraft carrier the USS George Washington lead the fleet
past the President of Indonesia along with up to a million spectators on the
shore. It was such a spectacular
sight to see so many naval vessels from many nations within such close
proximity. Rain and poor visibility
made it impossible to see anything greater than a mile away, which for us seemed
to be the majority of the big naval ships. However, we made the most of the
Pass and enjoyed the
evening, Layaleeta anchored within
close proximity to Astra in the
middle of an absolute dump.
Manado by
the shore was rather smelly to say the least and full of mosquito’s. That evening, we all went ashore for
dinner at the beach side bar which we had visited a few days previous. Due to the fact that it was Oli’s
birthday in a few days time, he went out to a club with Damo from Layaleeta arriving back at Astra at
soon as Oli was back onboard at 4am on the 20th, we set off to the
island of ‘Lehaga’ some 28 miles further north. Whilst everyone slept, Jeremy was on
watch. Astra arrived at the perfect tiny island
at around 8am. We anchored in
around 20 metres of absolute perfect clear blue water (now we were in Marine
Paradise!). We spent most of the
morning snorkelling around the island over excellent coral and thousands of
colourful fish. This was what we
had been looking for throughout the last month. Instead, we had spent all our time in
grotty fishing ports thanks to the Sail Indonesia
We had
to make our way back to Bitung that afternoon for the awards ceremony for the
three races. Due to strong winds
right on the nose, we had to motor most of the 26 miles back to Bitung. During the passage, we caught a
barracuda of around 10 – 12 pounds (we were glad to catch our first fish in
Indonesia). We arrived back at Bitung at 5:30pm and
after several attempts to drop the anchor in the correct place, we journeyed
ashore for the awards ceremony. We
met up with all the participants from the other yachts and enjoyed the evening
of local KFC and free beer. Astra won two prizes that night; ‘First
over the line’ in all three races and ‘Best Skipper’ (spelt Best Shipper –
typical!). The crew of Layaleeta joined us for a few drinks
that evening after the ceremony for our last night in the region. We were so glad to be moving