Astra Log 23/3/08 - 5/4/08: Post-Bond Colón

Astra Log
23/3/08 – 5/4/08: Post-Bond
Colón The next step in our progress towards transiting the
Canal was to get the measurer to come and size-up Astra. He had refused to come and visit
us in the marina as a previous visit had resulted in one of the Bond crew’s
ropes becoming tangled around his prop, followed by a torrent of abuse in
Spanish and the vow that he would not return to the marina while Bond remained!
We were not sure when he would agree to come back into the marina so as a result
we were to meet him on the flats just outside. Ash and George arose looking
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in spite of the excesses induced by the Bond
party’s free bar, and by 9AM we were in location and awaiting the measuring
tape. Astra breathed in deeply and
puffed out her bosom, measuring in at an impressive 61ft! While Jeremy assisted
the measurer (we suspect by dangling the measuring tape a few feet forward of
the pulpit) the others went ashore to investigate Panama Yacht Club. PYC gets an
excellent write-up in the literature so we were slightly disappointed to find a
less than salubrious, tumbledown arrangement which, according to Sally,
resembles post-war Mid-afternoon we remembered that it was Easter Sunday and
Sally set about preparing a delicious roast lamb dinner. It was a sumptuous
feast with all the trimmings, undoubtedly the best meal we had enjoyed in over a
month. Here it should be understood that ‘we’ means Jeremy, Sally and George;
Ash registered his appreciation by falling asleep before, and remaining
unconscious throughout, the meal. Apparently he was suffering the effects of the
previous evening’s exertions. Monday saw the next phase in our transit. We were
required to go to the Immigration Office and acknowledge that we had arrived in
Over the course of our stay in Shelter Bay Marina we
gradually managed to make relations with the bar staff more cordial: initially
we were met with frosty reproach, incredibly slow service and were sometimes
plainly ignored; by the end of our stay we were greeted like long-lost amigos and the wait on the food came
down from something approaching 2 hours to under 1! And with a smile!
Two separate sorties were made to Sally and Jeremy drive
south… Had a great time driving down to Arrived in a very relaxed and jolly state to celebrate
J’s 49th birthday (wonder where we’ll be next year for the big one.
(All Welcome). Spent 3 days eating, drinking and shopping in what was a
surprisingly great city. So much so that on our return we persuaded the boys to
go, as they said they were in need of a bit of culture. They of course behaved
impeccably and returned bright eyed and bushy tailed to carry on our merry
way. Amazed at how much money can be spent with beers at $2 a
pop, Ash and George returned financially depleted and in need of gainful
employment. Our friends on The Great
Huf happily obliged by letting us scrub her bottom. Deciding that the water
in the marina was not the best for scrubbing in, we rendezvoused out on the
flats. The hull was almost uniformly sparkling, the boys having dodged the
enormous saltwater crocs, when the authorities arrived to inform us that we did
not have permission to anchor in the marked anchorage. Unfortunately, the job
had to be completed in the fetid waters of the marina. The remainder of the week was spent trying to survive in
the unbearable heat. We suffered a heat wave with temperatures pushing 40
degrees Celsius forcing Ash and George to erect an impressive bit of
canvas work and Sally to flick on the AC. The conditions ensured that more
vigorous activities were left to one side and time was passed playing scrabble
and cards and watching the odd episode of Prison Break. More constructive hours were spent
planning where to go in the Pacific and on trying to work out what we were to do
with the remaining time before going through the canal: easy decision – back to
the San Blas!