The island of Ambon - 4th to 7th August

island of Ambon – 4th to 7th
August Unfortunately,
there was not a great deal to say about the During
our first night on the island, we went for a meal in a Chinese restaurant which
seemed very budget, however offered excellent food. The rest of the time on this island was
spent either shopping, re-fueling, organising laundry,
attending very un-organised pre-race
meetings, or
socialising with the
crew from Layaleeta and Felicity. On the 5th August, we didn’t
even make it outside of the compound/fishing port. We spent the whole day by the bar at the
end of the quay with several members of the rally drinking the day away. That evening, Astra entertained 8 guests from numerous
yachts for dinner and drinks.
During our final night on the island, Oli and Liam decided to join the
“young bunch” of the rally and take a trip into the city on the back of
motorbikes to sample the local
nightlife. |