The island of Ambon - 4th to 7th August

Jeremy & Sally Paul
Thu 3 Sep 2009 04:45

The island of Ambon – 4th to 7th August


Unfortunately, there was not a great deal to say about the island of Ambon.  The small amount of the island that we saw seemed very dirty and overcrowded.  After our experience on Tual, we decided not to partake in any of the organised tours on this island.  There were approximately 60 to 70 yachts from the rally moored along the quay of this fishing port. 


During our first night on the island, we went for a meal in a Chinese restaurant which seemed very budget, however offered excellent food.  The rest of the time on this island was spent either shopping, re-fueling, organising laundry, attending very un-organised pre-race meetings, or socialising with the crew from Layaleeta and Felicity.  On the 5th August, we didn’t even make it outside of the compound/fishing port.  We spent the whole day by the bar at the end of the quay with several members of the rally drinking the day away.  That evening, Astra entertained 8 guests from numerous yachts for dinner and drinks.  During our final night on the island, Oli and Liam decided to join the “young bunch” of the rally and take a trip into the city on the back of motorbikes to sample the local nightlife.