Astra Blog: Marquesas to The Tuamotus 22.06.08 - 25.06.08

Astra Blog: Marquesas to The Tuamotus 22.06.08 –
25.06.08 We made a
split second decision to leave the Marquesas Islands and head for the It was a
pleasant and straightforward passage of 475Nm of fishing, reading, sunbathing
and the obligatory scrabble! We started on a close reach, doing a comfortable 8
knots. Sadly this was not to last: after the first 24 hours the wind speed
dropped by a knot for every 30 Nm travelled southwards.
proved profitable. We caught four tuna (two skipjacks and two yellow fins)
enabling us to eat tuna twice a day on average and still have enough to fill the
freezer. It was important to stock up as the fish within the atolls in the
Tuamotus are likely to contain the ciguatera toxin, putting them off the
menu. The radar
continued to keep Jeremy baffled as it has taken to alternating between
functioning and going AWOL without apparent cause. Ash suffered the bruising
consequences halfway up the pitching mast: a photograph of the radar’s
particulars was required for the purpose of a Furuno agent’s remote
analysis. While Ash bounced off the mast, George spent several hours researching
the Society Islands, our next Charlie spent
much of the voyage resting, icing, compressing and elevating his injured ankle
in accordance with the Ship’s Doctor’s orders. Fortunately he was able to take a
break from this regime to knock up a delectable quiche.
The weather
deteriorated as we approached the archipelago. The wind slackened meaning that
our ETA at the atoll was such that we would have insufficient light to navigate
the pass and would thus have to spend another night at sea. However, the last 24
hours of sailing brought a profusion of heavy squalls, the first of which hit
during Sally’s dawn watch. The wind tailed off from about 20 knots to zero over
a number of hours before shooting up to 28 knots in a matter of seconds! This very dark storm cloud certainly had
a silver lining: staying with us all morning it enabled us to progress at 9
knots, getting to the pass in the early afternoon and well ahead of schedule
with the sun high in the sky to facilitate threading our way through the coral
heads and into the atoll of Raroia. Navigating
the pass required a little preparation. Jeremy started by briefing the crew as
to their various responsibilities, what to expect when we entered the pass, and
the need for all being ready and in position. As the churning waters at the
mouth of the pass came in sight we were distracted by some enormous dolphins at
the bow. These beautiful beasts seemed to be in distress and were attempting to
use the bow to detach large remora fish who were hitching a ride on their heads.
It took discipline to prise ourselves away from this spectacle and ready
ourselves to go through the pass, into anything up to 8 knots of current. Jeremy
helmed while Ash monitored the situation from the spreaders. Charlie checked to
see that we were on the straight and narrow from the navigation station while
Sally and George used compasses and visual fixes to assist the smooth running of
the operation. After a few stressful
minutes we emerged the other side of the pass, exchanging the ocean’s waves for
the placid lagoon on the inside of the atoll. The change in sea conditions was
reflected in a change in the weather; at 1500 we anchored in sunshine and turquoise water off
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