Astra Blog: Bay of Islands to Auckland 03.11.08 – 04.11.08
Monday 3/11/08
After checking out,
provisioning, and bacon and egg sanis, we cast off for Auckland at midday. On the
way out we found we were taking the same route as the local tour boats, all of
which advertised trips through the “Hole In The Rock,” and sure enough this lay
right on our path in the form of the rock arch at Motukokako Island, right at
the far south-east of the Bay of Islands. Resisting a mad urge to take Astra
through the Hole, we settled down to a monotonous day of motoring into
headwinds, drizzle, and an uncomfortable swell. Even our attempts at fishing
went unrewarded except for a brief burst from the reel as someone nibbled the
sardine off the line. At evening we emptied our four reserve cans into the fuel
Tuesday 4/11/08
By the 0200 watch the
wind had at last come round to the north, giving us an extra two knots though
not enough to sail. Sally had a midnight tryst with the dolphins off Hen and
Chicken Islands, and with 40 miles to go, we could see the
clouds to the south lit up by the glow of Auckland. Motoring into increasingly blustery
and cold winds, we began to pick out the towers of the city, and at 1020 we were
moored up behind Zulu at Pier 21