Astra log - Road Town, BVI - 2nd to 7th March 2008

We allowed a couple of days to provision, to collect our newly “mended” compressor, to rid Astra of her newly discovered cockroach infestation, and the serious business of preparing mentally and physically for an ocean voyage. Sally was the first to discover, or at least to acknowledge, the existence of Harry the hairy cockroach and his family. Several times thitherto she had claimed that she would leave the boat if they were sighted. Despite great protestations, screaming and threat of departure she bravely reached for the “Trap-A-Roach” and the beasts’ demise. One week later, we still have Sally onboard and 21 guests in our “Roach Hotel” We are doing our best to allay Sally’s concerns and pooh-pooh sentiments of “either they go or I go!” The Compressor has proved less easy to deal with than the roaches. In
fact it has shown itself to be a bit of a fighter with a strong dislike for
going to sea. It had been “mended” in the USVIs and shipped to George and Ash were devastated that they were forced to spend more time
sampling the local culture while Jeremy undertook to go with the Compressor to
the After a night in Fortunately, throughout the fiasco we had the Village Cay Bar on hand to provide plentiful refreshment and company. We were delighted to catch up with Berenice, an Italian Swan 62 who we met in the Swan rendezvous a week earlier (and famed for blowing 6 out of 7 spinnakers during the Arc!) All four members of Berenice provided excellent company, and her new skipper Fabri, seemed particularly keen to understand the English customs of ‘binge-drinking’ followed by inappropriate behaviour. To cut several long stories short, an excellent week’s evening entertainment must be summed up by mentioning: - The erection of Jonny the inflatable wind vane - Fabri gleefully stating “I put my arse in the face of George”, while the poor fellow took a short nap. - Fabrizio’s fervent and repeated lessons in “how to be a latin lover”, and his kind provision of willing participants to practise on. - The Tree House, a truly excellent establishment particularly contemptuous of tourists who pour off the cruise ships and treat this excellent bar as a public toilet (see pictures). The Tree House was also witness to the UK and Astra’s Ash and George beating Italy and Berenice’s Antonio and Fabrizio at pool (add to the list with: laser racing, boules and yacht racing). Unlucky chaps! What Road Town lost by having filth-strewn streets, stinking cruise ships, and incompetent cargo-handlers it gained by having a crowing cockerel on every street corner and thoroughly charming signs, our favourite of which is the motto of Road Town’s secondary school, a wonderful statement which has been heartily adopted as the motto for Astra’s crew: “Can all you can
while you can” |