Astra Log Day 13 - Alfie goes on Strike!
Breaking news! Alfie goes on strike! Union negations go on till late into the night. Alfie called in the RAU (Raymarine Autopilots Union) to complain about working conditions. Apparently, according to a union representative, he was expected to work during extremes of rain (driving) and wind (40knts) for over 4 hours with no protective cover. In response Alfie downed tools. Management representatives were called to take control of the situation and the leader of the team (JP) had to calm the situation down by offering a make over to Alfie. This involved a hair dryer and the fitting of a new smart controller remote control. In return for this Alfie agreed to restart work this morning at 11.00 gmt. The union representative later stated that negotiations were now closed. According to Mrs JF, JF does not know how to do washing. Here is the proof. He does! (picture) Jeremy F. |