Astra Blog: Galapagos to Marquesas (Part 5) 23.05.08 - 24.05.08

Astra Blog: Galapagos to Marquesas (Part 5) 23.05.08 –
24.05.08 Friday 23.05.08 While the rest of the crew members were tucked up in
their bunks, George was conducting his 0200-0400 vigil from the safety of the
galley. Being alone on deck at night can be perilous: he has learned that it is
much safer to remain in easy reach of the biscuit tin. His normal nocturnal
foraging was disrupted by an unfamiliar sound: not the crashing of an unattended
sail; not the demanding beep of the auto-helm; not a quick burst from the bilge
pump. Not being a ‘boat noise’ he ventured on deck to find the external cause of
the disturbance of his midnight feast. The reason soon became apparent:
perfectly illuminated by a gibbous moon was a large pod of rather noisy dolphins
clamouring for attention.
As George was weighed down with the tasks of co blog
writing and performing calculations related to the incessant measuring of the
sun’s altitude, Sally took over as ship’s baker. For some reason procuring bread
flour and yeast was not straightforward in We wiled away the afternoon in the standard way: a few
games of chess, three games of Scrabble, reading, fishing and whale watching
(the last two proved fruitless). And listening to music – mercifully, and almost
miraculously, Lazarus (George’s ipod) seems to be functioning once more. Dinner saw Jeremy do little to substantiate his dubious
claim of culinary incompetence. He served up a wonderful beef stew with mashed
potatoes, carrots and beans. We suspect that his disingenuous protestations may
have something to do with trying to keep galley-time to a
minimum! The wind still reluctant to play ball, we were forced to
gybe onto starboard at 2200 to avoid going too far south. The moon having not
yet risen, the sky was flooded with stars; The Plough to starboard and the
Southern Cross to port confirmed our new westerly heading. Overhead, a glittery
ribbon across the sky, The Milky Way competed with the dolphins and the beef
stew for highlight of the day!
24.05.08 Pandemonium reigned across Jeremy’s early morning SSB
radio net. The weather man had been on with his latest predictions and the
forecast was foreboding: “There’s a storm on the way.” Storm? 10 on the Beaufort
Scale? Isn’t that more than 48 knots? Clarification was sought: Is this a
tropical cyclone? What wind speeds can we expect? It transpired that we should
be on the look out for 15 knots of wind! After several balmy days, the prospect
of this sort of ‘storm’ was very pleasing. Sally decided that she would leapfrog George in the
baking stakes; she upped the ante by making some fantastic pizzas for lunch.
George retaliated by ascending to the second set of spreaders and challenging
Sally to do the same. We might combine the activities and have an aerial
bake-off. To reassert her authority Sally did not hold back in the
afternoon’s scrabble game, scoring 102 with a cannily placed “SQUARED”. She
ended up with a score of 312, pretty good for a three player
game. The last few days had been pretty fish free so we were
delighted when one of the reels began humming its familiar tune – yet another
mahi mahi welcomed aboard by a swift gaffing through the head. We had been
theorizing that our lack of success recently had been a result of the full moon.
Clearly the moon had waned sufficiently for the fish to be interested in our
lures once more. Next up, just before sundown, a rather larger specimen and the
cause of much excitement: it was not a mahi mahi! It was a good fighter and he was not going to come in
without first causing what would have been a chaotic situation aboard a less
well-oiled spinnaker-dropping, fish-slaying machine. A beautiful (in taste and
appearance) 24lb skipjack tuna eventually yielded to our will. We calmed the
fish into a state of inactivity with a deftly placed blade. Ideally we would
have inserted some 300lb monofilament into the tuna’s neural canal (Tanaguchi
method) in order to stop biochemical reactions which lead to a degeneration in
the quality of the flesh. Not having this to hand we had to make do with cutting
the fish’s head off and bleeding it into a bucket (The Astra
method). George and Ash had an impromptu sashimi party on the aft
deck, not letting any of the titbits from the filleting process go to waste.
Once the operation was complete we celebrated with more sashimi, this time with
wasabi and soy sauces. Sally’s dinner plans of a lasagne had to go on hold and
instead we had the fresh tuna, potatoes, onions and petits pois to celebrate
hitting the three-quarter way point – only 741Nm left to go. PS Many thanks to Flore, Henry and Ben for the iPod
related info. It has been hooked up to its 240V life support machine and seems
to have made a full recovery. I might have to attempt one of your suggestions
next time it decides to have a prolonged snooze.