Astra Blog: Marquesas (Part 3) 07.06.08 - 10 .06.08

Astra Blog: Marquesas (Part 3) 07.06.08 – 10
.06.08 Fatu Hiva to Tahuata The radar was clearly
not functioning correctly as it did not show the island a few hundred yards
away. This was a concern as the radar will be essential for navigating amongst
the atolls in the Tuamotus. As a result we were required to start our journey
with a series of concentric circles in order to reset the heading sensor. This
did not appear to do the trick so we had to depart without an operational
radar. Once we had cleared the
headland we set the sails and blasted off in the direction of the south west tip
of Tahuata on a broad reach. With the wind consistently around 30-35 knots,
Astra was in her element, storming
along at 9-11 knots SOG. A
particularly athletic pod of dolphins kept us company, often clearing the water
in unison, flipping, and surfing down the waves. The sailing conditions
were perfect until we reached the imposing, craggy, southern promontory of
Tahuata when we were hit by an unpredicted, violent and almost instantaneous
wind shift through 120 degrees causing a crash gybe against the preventer. As we
only had a few miles to go to our destination we dropped the sails and motored
in to our first port of call on Tahuata.
Tahuata We stopped in three
bays in Tahuata, the first of which was the tiny settlement of Hana Tefau. We anchored at the north end of the
large but beautiful and calm bay which made a very pleasant change from the
gusty conditions experienced in Fatu Hiva. After a leisurely
lunch, Jeremy and Ash set about trying to figure out what was wrong with the
radar. While Ash was checking the
connections up the mast and trying not to drop anything on George’s head, Jeremy
was tinkering with the connections at the other end in the depths of Astra’s interior. Something they did seemed to fix the
problem and the radar started functioning normally again. Unfortunately due to the rather
unscientific nature of the exercise we are not sure exactly what was wrong or
how we corrected it! Relieved to have a
functioning radar system again, Jeremy was able to relax a bit while Sally, Ash
and George went for a snorkel along the rocky shoreline. The visibility was top notch and there
was plenty of marine life to enjoy including turtles, rays and a multitude of
extraordinarily colourful fish many of which were completely new to
us. It was a very peaceful
night and everybody awoke much refreshed.
A shore party comprising Sally, George and Ash headed for the village in
search of fresh bread. When we
landed we were surprised to find the place seemingly deserted. Walking along the ancient
By the time we made our
way back to the village the street was buzzing (in Marquesan terms) with people
in their Sunday best. The locals were exceedingly friendly; when we were unable
to buy any bread from the village shop, the lady in front of Sally in the queue
insisted on getting an armful of baguettes from her house for us. One thing led
to another and a little while later we left bearing gifts of bread, pamplemousse
and oranges.
In the afternoon, we
went diving in the bay. George and Ash went first to check that there were no
sharks, and having assured Sally that there was none to be seen and having
refilled the tanks Sally and Jeremy went down afterwards. In addition to some
interesting rock formations, we also saw turtles, a green moray eel,
spotted-eagle rays, and an octopus. Our second bay on
Tahuata was Vaitahu. Like most places in the Marquesas it has several
soubriquets due to its rich history. Named by Captain Cook as “ The process was made
more interesting by dint of the fact that the Doctor was what Western eyes would
regard as a transvestite; it is a common custom in the Marquesas to raise a
third son as a daughter! George, also a third son reflected that he is quite
happy that they do not have the same custom in Medical business out of
the way we made our way round the next headland to Hana Moe Noa, our last
anchorage on Tahuata. Our otherwise perfect approach was slightly marred by our
fishing lure catching a large chunk of rock on the seabed. We did not notice
until after we had anchored by which time “Jet Head 2” had become firmly lodged
requiring Ash to do a bit of rescue free-diving in 10 metres of
water. We were pleased to find
Adventure in the bay who had already
rallied the other few yachts together for a barbeque on the beach. Before that
we had lots of time to dive and snorkel and saw two large manta rays.
The Marquesas have few
sandy beaches, but this one was a real cracker! While Sally went off with the
girls from Adventure in search of
fruit, Jeremy, Ash and George built a fire. Soon after sundown we were enjoying
a spread that belied our remote location: pasta salads; potato salads; lamb
chops; homemade burgers and kebabs; hot dogs; fresh baguettes; sailfish steaks;
the list goes on.