Astra Blog: Bora Bora (Part 1) 24.08.08 - 30.08.08

Astra Blog: Sunday 24.08.08 Leaving Ile Tautau,
Tahaa behind, we set a course for Monday 25.08.08 Before we could get
stuck into the delights of We returned to Bloody
Mary’s in the evening where Sally and Jeremy got some dinner and the boys hung
out in the bar chatting to some of the crew off the monstrous superyacht Arctic P. Tuesday 26.08.08 Apparently all the
action was to be had at the Bora Bora Yacht Club (BBYC), just a mile or so
around the corner back towards the one pass into Bora Bora’s lagoon, so we
motored round and were pleased to see several friends including Adventure and Ino, with Ogopogo following close behind.
In the afternoon Ash,
Oli and George dived at Tupa, just outside the pass. It was a fantastic dive
with beautiful coral and, definitely the star attraction, some enormous lemon
sharks. Unlike the many reef sharks that we have seen, these things look
decidedly like man-eaters; fortunately they kept a reasonable distance (about
5ft) and we managed to complete the dive without anyone being
munched! In the evening all went
ashore to use the facilities at BBYC. As well as starting some laundry we were
able to sup the odd beer (over £5 per pint!) whilst enjoying a barbeque and some
petanque with the many friends that we have picked up along the
way. Wednesday 27.08.08 Wednesday was another
diving day: Jeremy set off early with Bruce and Claire from
Ino to
go to the lemon shark-infested Tupa. Later on in the day, whilst chatting with
the lads on Ino, the lads decided
that it would be a good idea to attempt a night dive. Jeremy was all in favour
of the idea as he thought we would have Hannah (a dive-master) from Ino to guide us through our first night
dive. Hannah had other plans: not being keen on diving in the pitch black she
said that she would give the dive a miss. Undeterred, Ash, Oli,
George, Bruce and Marnix headed out through the pass at 2100 on T/T Astra and T/T Ino. As we had only three underwater
torches it was decided that we would go in two groups, Astra going down first and Ino second. Bruce and Marnix were happy
with this as they fancied doing some fishing first and as the rest kitted-up
Marnix and Bruce disappeared off to the deep armed with mask, snorkel, torches
and a spear gun and returned a few moments later with a fish to use as bait.
As if the experience
wasn’t spooky enough as it was, while we rolled back into the inky, sharky
waters, Bruce and Marnix sat there trying to lure in the predators! It was an
exhilarating dive and all returned safe, if a little cold.
Thursday 28.08.08 Yet more diving on
Thursday: Ino’s Hannah, over her fit of diving heebie-jeebies, took Sally,
Jeremy and Emma (Ino) on a dive back
to the same dive site, Tupa, for more close encounters with large, menacing
lemon sharks. While Sally and Jeremy
were scaring themselves witless, Oli, Ash and George decided to jump on some
bikes and cycle around All recovered with
another fantastic BBQ at BBYC – this one in aid of Emma’s 21st
Birthday. The actual day was a couple of weeks away but she decided that it
would be a good idea to have a Her fellow crew members
and the girls from Adventure put
together a dance routine especially for the occasion and wowed the on-looking
yachties with their confident choreography and performance. It was a close call
for Ash, George and Oli – they were very nearly press-ganged into having to give
a birthday performance of their own but instead managed to avert the pressure by
organising a Treasure Hunt which had normally well behaved yachties tearing
their way around the BBYC. After this the younger
crew members went back to Ino to
toast Emma’s birthday, the success of the dancing and the Treasure Hunt, and
about anything else we could think of, the merriment lasting well into the small
hours. Friday 29.08.08 Over the week, aside
from diving, eating lots of BBQs, playing petanque (the girls from Adventure are now fiendishly good) and
enjoying expensive liquid refreshement, we also spent a fair amount of time
chatting to BBYC’s charming proprietor, Teiva (forgive spelling). Somehow he
managed to convince us that it would be a good idea to enter a fishing
competition, entrance a snip at $500! We decided that the
entrance fee would be more attractive if it were split 10 ways and with this in
mind, Astra and Ino joined forces. Ash and Marnix spent
the day converting Astra into a
fishing vessel, bringing outriggers and more rods and reels from Ino. Meanwhile George and Oli set about
the important task of gathering bait and tactics. Having found the former in the
supermarket (frozen sardines) they were in the process of acquiring the latter
in a local bar when they ran into Fred and Peg (Ogopogo) thus delaying their progress
for several hours.
They just about made it
back in time for the BBQ and to pay the entrance fee and come midnight Astra was rigged with 6 fishing lines,
stocked with frozen sardines, and about to be the first ever sailing vessel to
enter French Polynesia’s largest fishing
competition! Saturday 30.08.08 We did not realise what
a deal the fishing competition was when we signed up. Jeremy was not going to
take any chances: while most of the boats waited until just before first light,
we went out at the official start time of midnight. By 0010 we motored out of
Passe Teavanui, the first of the 70 or so vessels in the fishing
contest. Oli was insistent that
before attempting to land any record breaking fish we should first secure a
“safety fish” lest all the other competitors failed to catch. We did not have to
wait long: at 0020 a flying fish landed in the cockpit. At least we had our
safety fish – it might not win any prizes but surely this was a good omen for
things to come? As it happened, despite
Marnix and Bruce’s best efforts, we did not hook anything for the next 11 hours.
It gave plenty of time for Astra’s
less skilled and experienced fishermen to soak up stories and wisdom from Ino’s cognoscenti, and for Ino’s girls to enjoy the delights of hot
showers, iced drinks and movies. At 1115 our luck
changed: we hooked a large striped marlin estimated at 250-300lbs. After an
hour’s fight with a rod that was almost bent double Marnix got the marlin
alongside. As is the way with
marlin (so we are told) the beast plummeted to the depths taking hundreds of
metres of line with it. Painstakingly, a very sweaty Marnix fought the fish back
to the surface where everybody else oohed-and-aahed at its beauty and size
before the gaff-bearers closed in to bring the creature on board. These final
moments went on for some time: Jeremy helming expertly to get the fish in
position; Marnix assuring us that we had won the fight but not to count our
chickens before we had it on board. Somehow, with the fight
won, only a smidgen more than a gaff’s length away, the beautiful beast managed
to slip the hook and get away. It was soul destroying but we consoled ourselves
that someone else would have a bigger marlin and at least our one would live to
fight another day. We fished right until
the last but as the 1600 deadline approached we made our way back towards the
pass and reported our position over the radio to the tournament organiser,
joining the hordes of vessels declaring “zero poisson.” (Our flying fish having
been used as bait!) Once back at BBYC we
made our way swiftly to the centre of town for the official weigh-in. Initial
relief: someone had landed a bigger marlin than the one we had lost; even if we
had landed it we would not have won the competition and the $15000 prize. Then the bad news: excepting the
winners, no-one else had brought back a marlin – if we got ours in then we would
have won notoriety and a handsome second prize. Oh well, there’s always next
year! Almost lost in the
excitement of the fishing competition was the fact that we had to say farewell
to Oli as he was returning to the Back at BBYC no excuses
of fishing competition related tiredness were to be accepted to get out of the
festivities of this Saturday night: Mystere had arrived, sufficient cause
for a party in itself, but also it was Teiva’s and Joost’s Birthday. After
loosening up at the BBYC, members of Mystere, Astra, Ino, and Ogopogo popped round the corner to dance
the night away at the Recife Night Club.