Astra Blog: Galapagos (Part 1) 29.04.08 - 03.05.08

Astra Blog: Galapagos (Part 1) 29.04.08 – 03.05.08
29.04.08 Tent firmly erected, we took a water taxi into Puerto
Ayora the local town. It should be noted that we took a water taxi on Javier’s
advice as he kindly informed us that nobody used their tenders in the bay. This
turned out to be one of many bogus tips and we used the tender for the rest of
our stay! Once in Puerto Ayora we were keen to follow Javier’s bar
and restaurant recommendations. Puerto Ayora is a relatively small town so were
a little surprised to find that our local expert had sent us off in pursuit of a
closed bar and a non-existent restaurant! After a good traipse
around the town we sought refreshment in a charming little bar that was to
become something of a daily favourite. After a few jugs of Caipariña, Jeremy and
Sally returned to Astra and entrusted Ash and George with the task of
reconnoitering the local nightspots. Once again they demonstrated their maturity
and intelligence by partaking in a sober investigation of what Puerto Ayora has
to offer. They were not disappointed and came home unusually
well-oiled. Wednesday
30.04.08 Aside from a varied collection of wildlife, Puerto Ayora
has three things in abundance: bars/restaurants; dive shops; and shops selling
tee-shirts featuring the aforementioned wildlife. None of us was overly excited
by the latter, and the bars had already received a good going-over. This left
the dive shops to be researched. Ash expertly conned the tender through a rocky
opening into a shallow cove where, after negotiating the treacherous ascent to a
marine iguana covered jetty, we were able to find the aptly named and highly
recommended Dive Iguana. Sally was keen to book a dive to see some of Galapagos’
more friendly non-pelagic sea-dwellers and, if possible, to give sharks a wide
berth. The lady in the dive shop explained that you can not really avoid sharks
in the Galapagos – they are just part and parcel of diving in this location.
With this in mind, Sally, Jeremy and Ash booked two advanced drift dives for the
following day in Floreana. In the evening Ash and
George ran into some lovely Australians they had met the previous evening,
Angie, Golden, and Greene (real names!). In Puerto Ayora it is very rare to only
meet someone once; it really is a very small place – if you meet someone once
you are nigh on guaranteed to bump into them the next night. Thursday
01.05.08 Jeremy, Sally and Ash awoke bright and early for their
dive trip to Floreana. With the
dive equipment assembled and breakfast consumed the dive boat picked us up from
Astra at 7.45 for the 2 hour boat trip to the dive site. The trip was fairly
straightforward; the captain did 50 knots the whole way while a German chap
vomited his breakfast over the side and our dive guides demonstrated their
maturity by putting sun cream in their friend’s mouth while he was asleep! Finally we arrived at Floreana and the
boat anchored in the shelter of For our surface interval and lunch break, we returned to
02.05.08 Friday was a quieter day with a few essential boat jobs
needing to be done and a little bit of planning for the week ahead.
Unfortunately the generator stopped working as it had overheated. Jeremy having
re-read the entire manual and systematically eliminating potential causes of the
problem finally found the culprit: a fish had rather foolishly swum up the water
intake for the generator and had become firmly wedged in the sea-cock. Having
done a few jobs, George and Ash took the tender for a bit of coastline
exploration. They were disappointed to find that they could not tender to any of
the beaches as the surf was massive however they did find a little creek where
they were able to see some blue footed boobies and some sealions.
In the evening Sally and Jeremy went to dinner with some
of their dive companions and George and Ash disappeared to their usual haunts to
hook up with the now very familiar faces of Puerto Ayora’s social
scene! Saturday
03.05.08 Keen to see some of the flora and fauna above the water
we decided to put Sally’s diligent research into action with a visit into the
island’s interior. After an hours drive along bumpy dirt tracks we arrived at a
remote ranch famed for its giant tortoise population. Our taxi driver underwent
a metamorphosis from a somewhat laconic conductor into a nature
expert-extraordinaire, pointing out all manner of different plants including
coffee, guavas and papayas. Then the piece de resistance, the giant tortoises!
Upon sighting, Ash watched respectfully, Sally moved with trepidation, Jeremy
brandished his camera and George proceeded to chuckle for about five minutes.
Comic in appearance, they do not do a
great deal but they do excel at slowly munching leaves, plodding around with
movements so slow as to be imperceptible, and retracting and protracting their
E.T. like faces. Having had our fill of tortoises, our taxi driver took us
around the corner to the famous lava tunnels. Here he scoffed at Ash and George
for wearing flip-flops in what promised to be slightly rough terrain. The
tunnels were formed by cooling larva flows: as the flow cools from the outside
inwards it forms a solid igneous shell, the inside of which pours onwards and
out to leave a tunnel. As we descended into the lower end of the 400 yard tunnel
we met a group with a tour guide. The tour guide took one look at Ash, turned
back to point into the cave and inquired “Do you live here?!”
It seemed that the taxi driver was correct to mock our
choice of footwear. After a rather mucky passage through the tunnel, which
included slithering on bellies at one stage, we emerged into the light covered
in mud. George and Ash were rather smug about their choice of footwear – by luck
rather than judgment they emerged unscathed – and were able to give their feet
and flip-flops a quick wash; Sally and Jeremy are still trying to get the silt
out of their once-were white trainers now, over a week
In the evening we had Trish and Ellen over for dinner.
Sally, Ash and Jeremy had met Trish and Ellen on their dive trip to Floreana and
had identified them as formidable dinner guests both worthy and capable of Astra’s hospitality. Once again, Sally
managed to prepare a fantastic feast of chicken curry, washed down with a fair
amount of liquid accompaniment. Stomachs pleasingly full, Jeremy retired to the
blue cushion and everybody else went ashore to sample the delights of the boys’
favourite nightspots, Bar Bongo and the nightclub Panga for more drinking,
dancing and cavorting. Not surprisingly we ran into our Aussie friends again and
while Sally, Ellen and Trish called it a night, Ash, George, and the antipodeans
went off to the lagoon for a spot of night swimming. Much fun was had by