Astra Log Day 8 - Galley Slave

Jeremy & Sally Paul
Mon 3 Dec 2007 20:07

A day in the life of a galley slave

Today was my day on domestics and it started early, at 0745 GMT when it was pitch dark here. Not unlike waking up at home, until I find a cupboard full of oilskins instead of my suit. A quick cup of tea with the dawn watch, then it’s time to buff up the skipper’s shoes (see picture gallery). Breakfast of cereal and melon was followed by a visit to the green grocery store (see picture gallery), which as each day goes by we regard with increasing suspicion. Then it’s elevenses, in the form of bacon rolls, very well received by the hardworking ship’s company (see picture gallery).


Hardly a minute to put me feet up, then its on to lunch, which today is about a quarter of the 11lb dorado caught by Nicky during the morning (see picture gallery), fried up in a pan and served with salad.


Monday is wash day. Some boats that are grander than ours have washing machines, on others the crew wash their smalls by hand. But we have a quicker and more simple solution (see picture).


All too soon, and it’s the cocktail hour, when yours truly has to dress up in a DJ to serve champagne to celebrate reaching the halfway point in our journey (our main celebration will be tomorrow). As the sun sinks in the general direction of St Lucia, I’m back in the galley cooking up a light chicken curry.


Sleep well and see you tomorrow


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