51:51.46N 001:15.21E Titchmarsh Marina

Wednesday 28th June Overnight rain brought on a cold and grey day. We tried to free the roller reefing line guide again. Despite soaking it in penetrating oil it steadfastly refused to budge. Undoing tiny grub screws at the bow of a boat is not easy and could potentially end up with the screw committing itself to the sea. Fortunately this did not happen, but we collected a couple more from the factory, plus a few tips on persuading it to comply - namely to use a bigger hammer! More discussions with the engineer and costing for a new engine enabled us to make a final decision. Whisper will have a new engine! Thursday 29th June The engine is ordered! The good news is that another supplier is able to provide the exact model within a week! Whisper is booked into the boatyard and will be hauled out next Thursday, given a mid season scrub and the new blue engine will fitted! A couple of modifications will be made. One being to the water intake valve to ensure that it is more effective and will not allow water to syphon into the engine cylinders again, the cause of all her engine problems. Also, the exhaust water trap will be moved a little higher to improve the flow of the exhaust fumes and gases. We had success with the reefing system today, a bigger hammer was used and the guide for the lines is now lying at the correct angle and.....we didn't need the new grub screws! After our rough passage the other day, it became apparent that one of the cap shroud chain plates was leaking. We tackled that job today. Fortunately, there was no damage and the four bolts were removed and returned with a good pad of butyl tape under the deck plate. I must say it was a far cleaner job than using Sikaflex as in the past. A successful day! In the words of our engineer "you (we) will soon be able to sail off into the sunset". Now, there at last is a positive thought for the not too distant future! Sent from my iPad |