9th July - Port Solent 50:50.50N 001:05.98W

Noel Dilly
Tue 9 Jul 2013 23:10
"9th July - Port Solent, Portsmouth"
We left sunny Salcombe yesterday morning, hoisting
up the mainsail before we left the mooring as the estuary was so sheltered and
still, not a breath of wind. The mornings Shipping Forecast had predicted
force 2-3 for our area with the occasional force 5 off the headlands.
We motored through the moorings and past the town enjoying the views and
once across the bar and out to sea we unfurled the headsail and were on our way
heading for a glorious sail. Within five minutes we were on our ear,
caught by 'a force 5 off the headlands'. Once further out to sea the
wind eased again and we were chuckling along at a good 5 knots into the
predicted north easterly wind. Several other yachts were heading our way
and we gradually left them behind as Whisper likes to get her nose close
into the wind whereas they had to tack or head off to France. After
our speedy start, by the time we had eaten lunch, the predicted 2-3
dropped away to a wind strength which would not cause any ripples on
the Gin & Tonic and we had to motor. Motor we did, the whole way
across Lyme Bay, through the night and into the Solent this
morning. Both our watches were busy, with plenty of events
to keep our minds focused with poor visibility, looking
for lighthouses, navigation lights, passing Brittany ferries,
dredgers, yachts motoring with tri-colors only, avoiding overfalls and
the Portland Race (strong tidal area making a very rough and confused
sea) etc. Not a bit like the watch keeping we have been used to where
we could read a book or complete a crossword at the same time and seeing a
ship close to us was a major event.
We arrived at Portsmouth at lunch time today,
enjoyed a hot shower, followed by lunch and slightly more than 40
"Portsmouth Harbour Entrance" "The Needles, Isle of Wight"