10/11thJune Horta, Faial 38:31.959N 028:37.525W
Noel Dilly
Tue 11 Jun 2013 21:08
The weather has not improved any, it is still misty and windy but it has not stopped us from getting out and about. Yesterday, we still had the VW UP! so we set off with Mark who was armed with a copy of the Azores Hiking Trails. I was pleased that my role was only to drive as directed and I discretely observed, choosing not be involved in the discussions as to where the start (which was actually the end) of the walk began! It was a lot of fun and I was very amused as I yet again reversed the car whilst the 'intrepid explorers', clasping book and map searched the area on foot. As I looked over my shoulder an enormous bull of 1st prize stature, only tethered by his horns in an unfenced field, was observing our various activities with a somewhat puzzled _expression_ on his handsome face. I had to agree with his puzzlement, but I did this from a distance! Eventually, as the visibility was clearer below us, rather than climbing up into the mist a route was discovered, which went down to sea level. We parked and set off on a steep descent through a small hamlet and down through delightful green woods and long grasses with many pretty wild flowers, some familiar and some completely new to me. We found a lovely spot to sit and have our lunch overlooking an Atlantic waterfront village below us. We enjoyed the cottages, each having its own kitchen garden, many have been renovated following the 1998 earthquake, it was very pretty with tiny vineyards or vegetables gardens instead of flower gardens. The waterfront is also undergoing a lot of renovation all with natural volcanic rock. Eventually our trail took us upwards, we gained height quickly which is always a comfort as you look down and see where you have come from, even if it is a little painful as one wishes fitness was a larger factor in ones exercise. We all enjoyed our day, the mist had stayed up at a higher level and the roads had been mostly clear, but with so little traffic it was not arduous. We finished our days excursion by completing the circuit of the island once again. Today has been a domestic day, washing filthy walking clothes, tidying the boat and a small amount of shopping. We are now watching the weather and thinking that we will head for the UK once the low which is north of us and causing strong winds here has past us by. Many yachts are here waiting for the weather to improve so that they can make a move for home! It reminds me of birds gathering for their migration, the pull of moving is so strong and all of a sudden they are off. It certainly is an infectious feeling as we talk to people waiting for that 'weather window'! Photographs: "Cottage in Faja"
Overlooking Faja"
"Puzzled Bull"