14:04.461N 060:57.024W

Noel Dilly
Mon 3 Dec 2012 14:27
"Off To Enjoy The Islands - 3rd
All jobs (well, almost all), have been
competed. Those that haven't are not so important and will be done at a
later time.
Today we are off to enjoy the islands. It has
been very hot here and because we have been working, we have only extended our
excursions to the Yacht club and restaurants within the marina boundaries.
It has been good to enjoy the civilisation of showers etc, but we are all
looking forward to getting back out to sea to enjoy the real
Tony and I went shopping at the small store in the
marina for a few essentials. I checked when we entered the shop that they
would accept a credit card payment. When we came to check out I produced
my card only to be asked for my ID! Noel, who had gone to Immigration to
"Clear Out" had my passport. I tried to explain that I did not have my
passport, clearly this was not acceptable and by now there was a lengthy queue
behind us. Luckily I remembered my freebie Bus Pass which was tucked in my
purse. I produced it and with a slightly puzzled frown the small card was
scrutinized before being somewhat reluctantly accepted as suitable. I
signed on the dotted line and we escaped with our purchases.
The shopping is stowed away, tea is being
brewed, after which it will be time to, take down the awning,
disconnect the power line, refuel and the castaways will be on their
Photos: "Men At Work"