Kizilkuyruk Bay

Tue 2 Jul 2013 15:58

Kizilkuyruk Bay
(in Fethiye Bay)

July 2nd, 2013

Position:   36:37:02N     28:52:00E


This would be a great overnight stop over for us.

It would also ‘our’ first ‘line to shore anchoring with only us so we were quite excited and concerned. We a had a very fast sail across the main bay, maybe too quick ..


Having arrived at our bay and determined the spot we fancied mooring to. We set about planning the procedure and the jobs to be done for a perfect execution!
Get the dingy down.
Get all the ropes ready.
Drop the anchor.

Is Les ready?
Just as we began to get into the dingy and begin to go astern a guy on a dingy came rushing over shouting and waving arms!
It was our pal Alphonso, a PRO skipper! ..and he was here to help!
We met Alphonso in a marina a few weeks before whilst he was waiting for his owner to arrive. He knew that we generally cruised on our own and knew that his help would so welcomed!

He left his boat briefly to pop over lend a hand.

He expertly had us tied to a rock and adjusted.

What a great guy!


Now we will have to wait for another day to see how well the two of us can anchor with a line ashore!
Gosh, what a shame!