We continue to sail on ..towards/back ..whatever to Sardinia again!

Position: 41:08:14N
La Maddalana Islands
As we reached the Straits of Bonifacio out from the port of Bonifacio we found the wind had picked up to 25 knots. Now we had to decide upon a
new place to lay our weary heads! Although a little tired from a night sail it still early morning and we still had another 8 hours to arrive somewhere before it got dark.
The islands of “La
Maddalena Archipelago” on the southern side of the Bonifacio Strait and NE
Sardinia (back in Italian waters) are known as beautiful great cruising grounds
so we crossed back over the ‘Straits’ towards Liscia. Meanwhile John looked for
a potential anchoring spot whilst also downloading another set of GRIB files to
update us with the weather.
John changed our flags back to Italian!
There are seven principal
islands in the Maddalanas each composed of red granite. In all cases the islands are surrounded
by ‘above’ and ‘below-water’ rocks and caution was needed as we navigated
through. |