Anchorage at Ilha da Culatra

Mon 24 Sep 2012 15:09

Position: 36:59:11N     07:49:26W

Overnight anchorage at Ilha da Culatra,  Spain.  (Nr Faro)


We left Vilamoura to a perfect sailing day, light seas and a 15kt wind on our beam.

“See John, they do have wind in Portugal!”

The knot meter had stopped working again. 
But John, using his new skills and armed with no more than a towel and scourer went and removed it, cleaned it and got us working in no time. That showed that pesky knot meter who is Boss!

This anchorage is a perfect haven!
You enter through a narrow entrance into a huge lagoon type area. Faro is at one end and lots of nice homes on a canal stretch in another area.  The Portuguese use this as a weekend play area.  We anchored near a fishing village and had a pleasant sunset dinner.

..and no alcohol either


(oh.. the pics are the taken from the same anchorage but whilst on Mike’s boat!)

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