St Malo ..for some good restaurants
Atlantic France is renowned for some of the most interesting island splattered, rocky tidal coastline in the world! No wonder some of the world’s best sailors come from this region. Our navigation along this coastline was to test our skills! The Thames
Tango.. Back to Saint Malo. With only 5 boats waiting and a huge lock with enough space for everyone this wait was very civilized. – The Saint Malo lock is really huge and deep. You need at least two 20 meter ropes to hold the boat in the lock it’s so deep. The lock team hand down a small rope to your boat to which you tie your rope. He then pulls your rope back and around a bollard for you to take again. Simple – when you know the drill. Yet again we found ourselves with too much draught to fit in the normal marina and so we ended up with a great spot next to the old town and next to various coastguard craft. It was a really good spot. The old town of Saint Malo is all contained within huge battlement walls and has to be on your list of places to visit. Fantastic restaurants, markets, boutiques and food in general. Fantasist food! We were perfectly located for morning foraging for croissants and baguettes in the old town. Either eat on the boat or at a restaurant the food was amazing wherever. As I write this (4 weeks late!) I’m thinking St Malo had to be THE place for great food on our adventures so far. After 4 days and stocked up on groceries (gosh! that
ham!), we were on our way again excited to embark on our longest sail on
Timeless to date. |