
Mon 15 Oct 2012 08:07

Our stay in Alicante..


Alicante is a busy tourist center and seaport.
The beaches were full of happy vacationers sunbathing and swimming in the sea – we are in October guys after all!

The town has an old quarter and another Moorish castle Monument – it seems all self-respecting Spanish coastal towns have one! In this case it is called the ‘Santa Barbaras Castle’. It stands 166 meters up Bencantil Mountain – an easy 3 m 1:5 stroll (if you are an Olympian). Or, you can get to the top via an elevator!
(Actually the elevator has been bored into the center of the mountain. It must have cost a ton for the Spanish government to build!)
The view from the top of this castle is spectacular! Although all that is left of the castle is the walls.

We are noticing that most Spanish towns make use of the sun in the form of really clever sundial sculptures placed in meeting areas – such a great idea!

The famous ‘Maisonnave Avenue’ in Alicante is the sixth most expensive clothes-shopping avenue in Spain. Luckily I didn’t need to shop! As John says, “we couldn’t afford it anyway after Peurto Banus!

We enjoyed three pleasant sunny days here.
Provisioning for our next sail again was a delight. The Spanish really do have good Markets. Yet again there is a dedicated building (just like the St Lawrence market in Toronto or the old Covent Garden in London).
The meat, fish, vegetables and fruit were all very fresh and we over-stocked for our journey to the islands. “Gosh! This food actually tastes like food used to!”

Why do the Spanish seem intent on ruining their towns with graffiti? It seems everywhere we visit we see graffiti on all the walls, doors, pavements – everything.
Just so stupid!


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