Heavenly Ha'apai
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Mon 22 Sep 2014 00:15
19:56S 174:42W
Our Timaru friends Gerald and Susie Morton flew out from Pangai this
morning – they caught a water taxi from Uoleva with Craig who runs a great
little shacky beach bar there. We had a barbecue ashore that Craig
and Kristen prepared for us. Craig was here during January’s
devastating hurricane when 150knot winds whipped through the northern Ha’apai
group causing chaos. Optimistically, Craig and Kristin have built a
fantastic open sided bar/kitchen and we wish them well in their business and
hope fellow yachties try and support them.
Before we visited the Ha’apai group we’d heard about the hurricane. While
there has been devastation ashore the beaches/coral we have seen hasn’t been
damaged and we’ve had some fantastic beach walks and snorkelling. From a a
cruising perspective the only effect of the hurricane has been in the lack of
availability of locally grown fruit. Banana and papaya crops were wiped out on
some of the islands. However we have plenty of bottled fruit and our green
papaya and bananas are lasting well. Why cruisers would miss
cruising the Ha’apai is a mystery to us as they are definitely right up there on
our list of “best” places. We are enjoying them even more than French
Polynesia – for their stark beauty and lack of other cruisers – although we miss
baguettes and brie!
Tomorrow we plan to keep moving on down the chain towards
Tongatapu. |