You've Got Mail

David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Fri 30 Dec 2011 14:30
12:16N 46:09W
daily run – 151 miles miles to go to Barbados - 784
I think we’ve said previously that the highlight of our day comes at midday
when we dial up the satellite phone and update our daily position/blog and send
and receive emails. It’s always exciting to see the inbox fill up.
There’s not much to do out here on the briny apart from read, sleep and eat so
getting emails from friends and family really is fantastic. And of course,
we cannot get internet so hearing what is happening in the big wide world is
always an added bonus. For an hour or so after mail arrives both skipper
and cook abandon on deck duties to fight over the laptop. So a big thank
you to everyone – especially those wonderful people who have taken on the
challenge of sending regular emails...they are so appreciated and we do try to
return as many as possible. It’s not always easy to type as Bandit bucks
and lurches but we try to make an effort. We realise it is the Christmas
holiday period and so many of you are on holiday and the last thing you want to
do is sit in front of a computer. But should you find yourself reading our
blog.....then a quick email to us would give us no end of pleasure. Thanks
so much – please keep it up, only another week (give or take a day) to go!
And please – would someone let us know whether it was Tom Hanks and Meg
Ryan in You’ve Got Mail? Skipper vs cook debate underway.
You’ll notice that we’ve added our daily run (24 hours noon til noon) and
miles to go to the blog due to a suggestion from David’s sister Susi who thought
our flags on the chart were getting further apart and wanted to know for
sure. She’s right! Since leaving the Verdes our daily runs have been
140, 150, 146, 135, 153, 164 and today’s 151– so you can see we are getting
faster as we settle into the classic trade wind passage. (Except for last
night when we had a major hitch which the engineer is still working on – all
will be revealed in tomorrow’s blog). It’s not always comfortable sailing
but it is comforting knowing our destination is getting closer. In a few
days we should be able to smell the rum!
Most exciting news from the past 24 hours was the successful landing of a
big mahimahi. It took the lure just on sunset (this is the best time to
fish we’ve discovered) but took about half an hour to land. Bandit was
smoking along at about 7 knots and with our sail configuration it was a bit hard
to turn into wind to slow the boat down, but by furling a bit of headsail and
pulling in the main, we managed it. Fantastic to get such a good fish – a
few fillets have gone into the freezer but for the next few days it will be
mahimahi, mahimahi and mahimahi.