35:58:51N 05:39:67W
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Wed 9 Nov 2011 14:00
The Great Escape/Goodbye Pork Pie
Finally we escape the rock....after being stuck there a week with bad
weather and delayed spare parts. The only bonus was catching up with Sam,
passing through on the 56m motor yacht he is a chef on. Conditions this
afternoon aren’t great with little wind but we’re at sea again, and (motor)
sailing, that’s the main thing.
Will write daily blogs and...to keep our minds active while at sea....we’ve
decided to head each with a movie title. Today’s was a draw between
The Great Escape (we really had to get out of there) and that Kiwi classic
Goodbye Pork Pie which comes from the pervasive aroma of fried food, pies, stale
beer and cigarette smoke that lingers in Gib. Suggestions for the next
month welcome!
As I write this we are heading out of the Straits of Gibraltar into the
Atlantic and the swell is slowly getting up. The next adventure