trucking on along
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:10
15:03S 154:24W
520 miles to go to Suvarrow in the Northern Cook Islands
Both of us were incredibly excited to get back to sea. Marlborough
friends who joined us in Papeete and sailed with us to Moorea (an overnight),
Huahine, Taha’a Bora Bora and back to Raiatea commented that we both appeared at
our happiest when at sea. We do enjoy it but qualify that by saying we are
fair weather sailors! Nothing is more frustrating and annoying than bad
weather – it’s tiring, downright uncomfortable and makes doing anything on the
boat difficult. So we were delighted to have had a magical 24 hour run
with brisk constant trade winds of 15-20 knots and a reasonably comfortable
sea. The wind lightened this morning, slowly us down a bit, but is
forecast to freshen tonight.
The night watch flew by and we both had a fantastic five hour plus sleep.
The great thing about our six hour on/off system is that the off watch
person really gets a great sleep. David would have kept on sleeping had I
not turned on the SSB radio at 8am to check in for the first of our two morning
nets. The scratchy noise of the radio soon woke him and he was up ready
for breakfast. It was a beautifully clear night and a sheer joy to be on
night watch. I always think I get the best watch – watching dawn break and
the sunrise at sea is always very special.
People often ask us what we do all day. It’s midday now and I feel I
haven’t stopped since coming on watch at 2am! There is constant
navigation, checking of weather files, checking in and listening to our two
daily SSB nets, preparing meals and of course sleeping. We both tend to
nap during the day to keep us alert and our long watches allow for a really good
sleep at night. We’ve both got good books on the go along with a pile of
NZ magazines brought to us by our Kiwi visitors during our time in French
Right, it’s nearly lunchtime so I better go and forage around in the fridge
and produce something
edible. |