Day 12. Eating up the miles...slowly.
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Fri 11 Apr 2014 18:56
09:10S 116:04W
24 hour run of 154 (we’re pushing a bit of current)
miles to go 1338
Great excitement amongst the fleet last night – one of the boats on our net
made landfall. Tulu, a catamaran with English couple Chris and Sarah on
board, came on our evening net to report they were rounding the north coast of
Fatu Hiva and would be anchored by dusk. Fantastic news. They left
San Cristobal on Friday March 21 so the passage took 20 days. In the early
part of their passage they had terrible thunderstorms and heavy rain squalls.
The middle was marked by the horrid confused seas and strong winds we’re now
getting but the last part was light winds and flat seas. So well done
Chris and Sarah and we look forward to catching up and we can’t wait to get into
those gentle breezes.
that Tulu left port on a Friday because sailors will know that is considered bad
luck. We are not superstitious and have never avoided leaving port on a
Friday but probably would not have set out on a long passage such as this on a
Friday. Not because we think it would have been bad luck to do so but because we
would blame every little thing that went wrong on the fact we did leave on a
Friday and on a boat things constantly go wrong. One of the boats in our
fleet has ripped their mainsail while another is having to hand steer after
their autopilot failed – neither left on a Friday! There are so many
superstitions regarding boats that it would be impossible to sail without
breaking them - you’re not meant to have bananas, wear green, whistle or
have a woman on board. Apparently having a woman on board prevents wind –
well, that’s not working this time!
So we’re
busy passing time by watching movies and reading. Normally during passage
we maintain normal routines. On our wonderful passage from Panama to the
Galapagos I even had the sewing machine out making dress and courtesy flags and
did my daily yoga session. But this time it’s simply been way too rough – I
can’t even face changing the sheets! I love cooking but this passage it’s
been mostly ready meals from the freezer or one pot pressure cooker
The only
thing to do is read and we’ve been reading voraciously.
We really
can’t wait to get to the Marquesas and start using our seized up legs