In the Heat of the Night
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Thu 1 Mar 2012 18:36
11.59N: 61.45W
It's been pretty hot and steamy the past few days (and nights) in Prickly Bay, Grenada. We've had a day and night of humid rain.....the upside is that Bandit is now gleaming. We'd polished her last week and the rain got rid of any salt spray. Temperatures have been around the high 20s during the day and mid 20s at night....but today is very humid - just like Auckland!
Seems ages since we've updated this blog.....have been working on the other one which is much more fun as we can post pix - if you haven't seen it.
We've been here in Grenada a couple of weeks and have really enjoyed it. Sam flew in last week for a few days and it was fantastic to catch up with him. We are now well and truly
ready to go but a few things have conspired against us - namely weather,but also the usual delays in getting things such as gas and doing final provisioning.
Our Kiwi mates Cutty Hunk and Awaroa left on Tuesday and we hope to catch up with them when we (hopefully) leave tomorrow with Kiwi boat Balvenie.
Not sure how long we can keep up the movie title thingy....but we'll keep trying. For the next few weeks we'll be back on the yachtbandit email address and look forward to getting mail.